At Steenland Chocolate we are always looking for new possibilities and ways to strengthen our products. Next to creating artwork ourselves, we also offer a wide selection of several licenses.
In the 3rd quarter of 2017 Steenland Chocolate acquired the license of Warner Brothers. We are happy to offer you a wide range of Warner Brothers characters: Justice League, Superman, Looney Tunes and Tom & Jerry. Our Warner Brothers products are only available in Northern Europe & The Middle East.
Social media is booming at the moment. The world-wide population that is using internet messaging programs including their emoticons is growing day by day. Emoticons where established several years ago in order to express ourselves better and work great to emphasize words. Giving someone an Emoticon themed product will guarantee a smile. We are glad to say that Steenland Chocolate has a world-wide EmojiOne license for the Steenland Emoticon chocolate coins, solid shaped chocolates and mini bars.
Did you know that friendly Dino’s exist? The Dinoland family is the most friendly Dino family you will ever meet. From 2016 on, the Dinoland artwork is available on Steenland Chocolate coins and solid shaped figures.
Who didn’t grow up with Walt Disney. Steenland Chocolate is proud to offer you a wide range of Disney characters, all packed in matching packaging. Our Disney products are only available in a selected number of countries throughout Asia.